Saturday, April 4, 2009

Aching Body With Good Results

Arrghhhh... need a body massage due to yesterday's outing.

Ordered a glass of kopi 'O' while waiting for Mr.Dem at Changi Hawker Center. We packed some food and drinks. Only one tackle shop open early that morning for us to buy baits so we don't have the luxury to choose fresh baits from the other tackle shops.

Mr.Sam had already waited for us at the car park 6. Had to walk about 1500 meters to the spot from the carpark. After settling down a place to put our stuff, we set up our gear, bait up and cast. While waiting for some action, I enjoyed my packed breakfast and keeping my eye on the rods. Mr.Din came to join us shortly with some squid and shell baits.

Mr.Dem tying up his rig
Mr.Sam hoping his rig will catch a biggie!

The only catch! Mr.Sam with his leather jacket.

After a few reeling ins with seaweed and a small leather jacket, Mr.Sam decide to change spot, and we all agreed. Packed our stuff, stop by Changi Village to buy more baits and straight to the spot.

Again unpacked our stuff, set up and cast. Good early response when our rods been nodding here and there. Mr.Din brought up the first catch, second by me and follow up by the rest of the kakis.

Breaking the record was Mr.Dem with six stripped eel tail catfish (usat). Total catch was 16 various smallies minus the catch from our newly crowned King of Usat... Mr.Dem!

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